On Your Marks with Prof Jonathan Marks
On Your Marks with Prof Jonathan Marks
Book Review The Middle Passage
Dr James Hollis’ book, The Middle Passage is something that will call to some but not to all. A renowned Jungian psychoanalyst, Hollis’ book explores the dialectic of how our early childhood gives way to early adulthood and from there, if we are fortunate and willing to ‘do the work’, into a second adulthood. The Middle Passage, a more responsible term than ‘mid-life crisis’ is a time to confront one’s failures, disappointments and disruptions, and find true solace in becoming as close as possible to one’s true self. The book is a short treatise but something upon which those who seek understanding, personal enlightenment and self-understanding will reflect and mediate for years to come.
Note re sound recording: if you think you hear cicadas in the background (and a plane taking off) you are right! I am staying at a wonderful cottage in Corfu which is close to nature (hence the cicadas) and on the flightpath to and from the rest of Europe. Apologies for the quality but such is life on the island!
The link to the review of David Whyte’s The Heart Aroused can be found here
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